School Meals
The school meal provider is Caterlink
The cost (currently) is £2.43 per day. Meal choice is on a 3 week rotation. Please discuss the menu with your child in the morning, allowing them to make a choice of main meal, vegetarian or jacket potato, before they come in to school. This enables them to be prepared when asked their preference.
A sample menu can be viewed here
Due to the introduction of Universal Free School Meals, all Key Stage 1 children (Years R - 2) are eligible for a school lunch every day. Please speak to Mrs Kneller if you would like more information.
Your child may be entitled to free school meals if parents are in receipt of certain benefits, such as Income Support. Further information is available online at:
If your child is eligible for free school meals, we would urge you to apply, even if he / she is in KS1 and therefore in receipt of Universal Free School Meals. Additional funding for school, Pupil Premium, is allocated for children recorded as in receipt of free school meals.