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Meet the Governors

Our governing body consists of people in our local community, parents from our school, members of our church and teaching staff. Together we all work as a team to improve our school and support the staff. The governing body consists of two  committees: the Curriculum and Learning Committee and the Finance, Resources and Personnel Committee.

The full governing body meets 5 times a year, whilst the Finance, Resources and Personnel committee meets a further 3 times and the Curriculum & Learning committee 4. All the governors have an area of responsibility and belong to one of the committees.

The Governing Body

Ms. Nichola. Costello : Headteacher Governor

Hello. I am Ms. Costello. I have been at Frittenden for 13 happy years, first as the Senior Teacher in year 5/6 and then as Head teacher for the last 7 years. 

I have a daughter called Rhiann and, in the photo, you can see me holding my grandson Huxley, for the first time. He is adorable. 

When I am not being a head teacher or a Forest School leader, I like to be creative. I like to sew, paint, crochet and make things. I love to cook, particularly curries. I love the great outdoors and enjoy being by water!

Mrs. Helen Stansfeld  :  Chair of the full hovering board.

I’m Helen Stansfeld and have been on the governing board for several years and am currently chair.  I love our village and the school and really enjoy being part of the school community. I have a teaching background, am a Christian and a member of St Mary’s. I have four children and am accumulating grandchildren. In our spare time my husband and I take trips on our tandem and I volunteer at the Hospice in the Weald on the chaplaincy team.

Mrs. Claire Deaves : Chair of the Curriculum & Learning Committee

Hello! My name is Claire and I’m married to Rev’d Pete (a regular visitor to school) who is the Rector of St Mary’s Church Frittenden & Trinity Church Sissinghurst. We live in the village with our 4 chickens, 3 lovely daughters, 2 Guinea Pigs and 1 cat. As a Christian, and a former Primary School teacher, I’m passionate about Primary Education and seeing the Good News about Jesus shaping and rooting children’s education. I’ve only recently become a Governor ( Sept 2023) and there is still lots to learn, but I’m really enjoying taking on this role. It is such a privilege to support such a caring school where every child is valued and nurtured. When not being a Governor (or Mrs Vicar), I enjoy spending time with my family, walking in the countryside, reading and , as an Eastbourne girl, I love nothing better than being at the beach!

Mrs. Berni Cooper : Member of the Curriculum & Learning Committee

I have lived in this lovely village since 1998 and have been a Governor since January 2017. I have 2 children in their early/mid 30’s. I’m part of the Curriculum & Learning Team and also the governor responsible for EYFS. My years as a governor have been really interesting but also challenging as I come from a corporate background with little education experience. Now retired I enjoy being in my pottery studio, gardening or making home preserves.

Mr. Graham Langlay-Smith : Member of the Finance, Resources and Personnel Committee

Graham has been a Governor since November 2019. He has lived in Frittenden since 1996 and his daughter Rosie attended the pre-school. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant and works full-time in the investment management industry. Outside of work he enjoys country walks with the family dog, Lily, and pottering around in the garden.

Mrs. Vikki Furr : Member of the Curriculum & Learning Committee

Hello. My name is Mrs. Farr and I am the SENCo at Frittenden. I have worked at the school for 2 years and in that time I have enjoyed getting to know the children, staff and parents at the school. I am passionate about SEN. 

Mr. Steve Duddle : Member of the Curriculum & Learning Committee

I have lived in Frittenden for over twenty years and thought it was about time to try and give something back to the village. The school is very important to the village, and I hope that my experience from too-many-years-to-think-about teaching maths at Cranbrook can help the school in some small way.

I have been a governor since March 2022, and it's harder than it looks!

Mrs. Abi. Aiyegbayo: Chairof the Finance, Resources and Personnel Committee.

Miss. Martha Hill-Cousins: Member of the Curriculum & Learning Committee

I’m Martha Hill-Cousins, a recently appointed Parent Governor at the school. I have a son, Fred, who joined Potter Class in September 2023. I also have a daughter, Ada, who is currently 2 and will hopefully go to the pre-school soon. 

We live in Staplehurst and moved here from East London in late 2022. 

I work part time in Higher Education and Research Management at a university in London. 

As a family, we enjoy reading, being outdoors, country walks and travelling (although haven’t done much abroad of late). I am also a keen yogi and practice whenever I get the opportunity. 

I look forward to supporting the school in this role and watching my children grow here. 

Mr. Harry Phillips: Member of the Finance, Resources and Personnel Committee

I live just outside Frittenden with my wife, Anna, daughter, Robin, who is now in Dahl class, son, Laurie, who is over the fence in the preschool, and five chickens, Sticky Rice (that’s correct), Cluck Cluck, Fenny, Stormy and Dixie.

I am an aviation finance lawyer by trade and have worked in London, Singapore and Dublin. I currently lead a commercial legal team for a Rolls-Royce joint venture which manages over 550 Rolls‑Royce engines.

I have been a parent governor since November 2023 and enjoy doing what I can to help support the school in providing the best possible future for its children.


Mrs. Jane Phillips -                                                Clerk to the Governing Body

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