Dahl Class
Welcome to Dahl Class!
We hope you find the following information useful.
Please click Our Curriculum to see what we are planning to cover this term. Soon there will be some useful links added to aid in your child's learning at home too.
PE kits need to be in school every day. It is very important that all items are clearly named as we are trying to encourage the children to be independent and careful with their belongings. Trainers are preferable and as the weather turns colder, a tracksuit is recommended.
Named water bottles are an important item and are needed each day. As are reading books. These need to be in class as we will access them regularly. The adults in class will hear your child read at least twice a week. However, we also have reading buddies from other year groups who enjoy listening to Dahl read so it is essential books are in class every day. Reading books will usually be changed towards the end of the week. Reading records will come home, please let us know how your child is reading at home and if they enjoyed the books they read.
We have worked hard to prepare the classroom and gather resources so pencil cases are not required. We have everything your child needs to access their learning.
Homework will be set on a Friday and needs to be returned on the Wednesday to be marked. This will usually, but not always, consist of spellings, times tables and a maths activity. Sometimes a slightly longer topic task will be given with instructions for when it needs to be handed in.
We are really looking forward to this coming year. Please keep an eye on our class page as we will be adding newsletters during the term with important information about the coming weeks.
Thank you,
Ms Swindells, Mrs Green and Mrs Kemp